Hello world!
This is my first article on the word press.
It was a hard, struggling process to start. I spent around 3 -5 hours just to build this website, not to mention, it took me around one week to launch the first article. I am a total beginner of website building and blogging.
Who am I?
Just introduce myself really quick. I am 32 years old Taiwanese dude, which was born there and spent most of my lifetime there. I graduated from Providence university’s Chinese literature department, after that I worked as one year teacher on the mountain. I taught many aboriginal kids there; it was a wonderful memory. Two years worked as international sales in two different companies. 4 months working holidays in Perth, Australia (Oh god! I miss those kangaroos.). one year in Moscow (MSU) Russian language study, total around one year in Germany.
I Speak 5 languages (Native: Chinese, Taiwanese. Fluent: English, German. OK: Russian.) I play several different sports: College’s swimming team leader, Chinese kick boxing three months, 4 months Thai boxing and BJJ, one year Sambo in Moscow, three years Judo, two years airsoft practical shooting, strength and condition for couple of years. So, there are lots of things I am going to share to the world for free.
Why do I start blogging and what do I wanna share to the world?
Since I started my new job as an international sale in Hsin Chong Group on December 19,2022. I need to practice my English writing. I also think that, it will be super cool to share my values, thoughts and philosophy to the whole world.
Nowadays, if you open up the media or social media, you might see tons of negative things and short videos that going to ruin your whole day’s mood and destroy your dopamine feedback. The world is full of chaos and social media is full of celebrity’s pompous life style, instant gratification.
In this blog, you can find a peaceful and joyfull resting mind habor to your mind. I am going to share all normal people’s life and struggle just like yours. There is not much glamour of It. I will either take the baby steps to success or failure. You guys, as my lovely blog viewer could give me some applause or boos and also grow with me.
I have got some ideas about what am I going to share, it might be my sport training, life styles, mindsets, life philosophy, languages study …. So on. I will share all the things I that I have learnt to this world and give the value to you guys for free.