I have been trying to do multiple things at the same time for a while, but it’s not the typical multitasking. Study shows that constantly shifting your focus and mental gear from A to B to C, it actually makes you less efficient. My way is simple, you do the one thing at the same time, that have multiple benefits. I would like to call it 1+1, 1+2.

What 1+1, 1+2, 1+n really are?

It’s simple, in traditional Taiwanese saying we call it “Wash the pants while clamming”. So, it’s literally the same meaning. You focus on one task and other tasks will automatically be done or there are multiple benefits of doing one thing well.

What should I do?

Everyone got its own goals, lessons to learn in one’s life. We all come from different background, have different interest, educated from different systems and lessons. Even twins might look different after aging and definitely have their own different personal preference. So, it’s important to find what you really have to do or want to do first. You set the goal and then optimize procedures.

My personal examples.

I started to be a big fan of optimizing my time couple of years ago. It became more ferocious since 2019, when I studied in Russia and Germany. I tried to do as much as I could, but found myself exhausted and then I started to learn how to rest, after that I started my 1+1, 1+2 while preparing my diplomat’s national exam. I restricted my social time with best friend, first it was 2 hours per week. The rest of time go with fully concentrated 6 hours per day’s crazy study and constant workout to keep my brain and body healthy.

That’s not enough!

This kind of lonely life almost drove me crazy. Although, I consider myself as an introvert dude, sometime I feel more conformable being alone than interacting with bunch of strangers. Nevertheless, the life that full of obscure knowledge and full-time study’s eremitic life are too much for me. I need more social time with best friend.

So, why not combine some different activities together? Therefore, I started cycling with my friend. For me, that’s a good combination. I can not only workout time having more social time but also staying fit and visiting new place. For me that’s 1+2.

Beside friendship, I also want a better relationship with my parent. I want them to stay healthy, so that they will have some decent later years. I have been using resistance band, medicine ball, dumbbell to train my mom for 35 sessions. She said, “I forget about when was last time, I feel backache already.” She is basically free from the muscle soreness in office, all day’s life and disable in action like many elders already. She begins to build her brand-new workout habit and have a new aspect of view for aging. I had learned some training methods with elder people. That’s a perfect experience for me to my future gym business. Not to mention, tons of benefits from workout. For me, that’s 1+n.


My lovely audiences. Now you might get my idea of 1+1, 1+2, 1+n. It’s simply combining many benefits together, making the time management efficient, focusing on doing one thing with multiple benefits.

Let’s start your own 1+n!


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